Sunday, February 23, 2014

National Conference on Quality Circles-KOLKATA

WE formed a team of odd Mix-Trix.See the Balance One Mechanical and Four Electronics Engineers.Never the Less i work in Electronics Corporation of India limited.Hey!!
Okay we had a problem,we solved it.And we Presented and it won a GOLD Award at CCQC-Hyderabad Chapter.And by grace of our Managment we were sent to Fight at Kolkata-NCQC.And there too we won.By sheer hard work.and lemme tell you it took more hard work to win the presentation with all those written test and presentation then the level of effort was put to solve the problem.
Now what was the problem.There is a manual changeover operation (by unplugging and plugging cables) and we made it automatic.Now it sounds easy,but it was not.One who knows  what is the sort of complication of handling RF cables they can appreciate the problem.Any way system was developed to identify the frequency transmitting and then make changeovers via filters automatically.That was must be wondering what could a mechanical egineer do with all these chageovers.Okay i Ruggedized the system.Ruggedization means making the PCBs and ICs to sustain twist and turn of sea environment.Lots of talk .Get a detail of it here. 


Presenting paper on Heat cracks during welding in National Conference on "Recent advance in Mechanical Engineering".


Receiving First prize from Lect.P.Patnaik for paper presentation on Particle Image Velocimeter.


Receiving First Prize for Academics in 3rd semester by Scientist S.Sampath from CEMRI,Durgapur